Minggu, 23 Desember 2007

How to Learn About the History of Reiki


Reiki is an ancient Japanese practice rediscovered within the last several decades. It involves lightly placing or holding the hands on or above the patient's body for extended periods of time, purportedly to stimulate positive energy and rebalance the body. It has been used to treat depression, constipation and grief, and is believed to work to heal the entire body holistically.


1 Step One

Explore the main questions surrounding Reiki. There is some debate as to where its true origins lie: some scholars believe it was influenced by Buddhism, while others believe it evolved independently of any religion.

2 Step Two

Familiarize yourself with the primary figures in the history of Reiki. Dr. Mikao Usui, who rediscovered the practice in the early 1900s and introduced it to the world, is generally considered the father of modern Reiki.

3 Step Three

Learn about the most famous teachers of Reiki. Besides Dr. Usui, these include his students Dr. Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata, who helped introduce Reiki to a Western audience in the mid-20th century.

4 Step Four

Purchase a book to learn more about the history of Reiki (see Resources below).

5 Step Five

Read through a publication like The Reiki News Magazine (see Resources below). While most of the articles are concerned with current topics in Reiki, the history of the practice is often addressed as well.

6 Step Six

Learn about the health benefits of Reiki and how these benefits were discovered. The International Center for Reiki Training provides a comprehensive online introduction (see Resources below).

7 Step Seven

Locate a Reiki practitioner from a practitioner directory. You can find these via local newspapers or online (see Resources below). Ask your Reiki practitioner about the origins and history of Reiki. Determine whether you would like to learn about the history of the Usui System of Natural Healing (developed by Dr. Mikao Usui), the Radiance Technique, or both.

8 Step Eight

Find a group class in your area. Many practitioners offer them at reduced rates to introduce Reiki and its history, and you may ask questions at these sessions.

How to Learn About Reiki


Reiki is a form of spiritual healing wherein hands are placed on or above the patient to purportedly heal and restore the patient's energy. This Japanese practice is used for intense relaxation and to purify the body of sicknesses from cancer to the common cold.


1 Step One

Find a Reiki class in your area. Many states around the country provide classes, and international classes are available as well. There are many Reiki practitioner directories that make locating a practitioner or a class very easy. Try the International Center for Reiki Training Web site (see Resources below).

2 Step Two

Learn about the different levels of Reiki. As a beginner you will want to attend Reiki I, but classes extend to level II, Usui Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master.

3 Step Three

Create a budget. Beginner-level classes are fairly inexpensive, but to learn more about Reiki you might have to attend several sessions.

4 Step Four

Contact the teacher of the Reiki class you decide to take before attending. Ask him or her any preliminary questions you have about Reiki and try to get a feel for the teacher's credentials. In most cases, you can also sign up for your class directly through the teacher.

Research Reiki in Your Community


1 Step One

Learn more about Reiki by joining a Reiki community in your area. You can attend workshops, retreats and meetings to learn more about Reiki and its ideologies.

2 Step Two

Subscribe to a Reiki newsletter, either an online source or in print. Try the free one published by the International Center for Reiki Training (see Resources below).

3 Step Three

Buy a book to learn about Reiki.

How to Join a Reiki Community


Reiki is a Japanese homeopathic therapy that claims to stimulate positive energy in the body and release energy blockages. It is practiced by moving or placing one's hands above or on the body of the patient. Reiki is purported to treat a variety of conditions, including the effects of menopause, asthma and heart conditions.


1 Step One

Research Reiki communities in your area via the newspaper or other free print resource. The International Association of Reiki Practitioners Web site provides a good starting point for your search (see Resources below).

2 Step Two

Locate a Reiki community that will be a good match for you and your Reiki skills. There are several levels of Reiki practitioners, from Level 1 (beginner) to Master. It's best to join a group that's geared toward members with your level of knowledge.

3 Step Three

Attend a Reiki class or treatment and ask your Reiki practitioner what community he or she belongs to.

4 Step Four

Learn more about the different ideologies inherent in Reiki at The International Center for Reiki Training Web site (see Resources below).

5 Step Five

Go to your local hospital and inquire about joining a Reiki community. Some Reiki practitioners work in conjunction with Western medicinal practices and maintain links with medical facilities.

6 Step Six

Prepare to be welcomed. Reiki practitioners seek to help all people from all walks of life, and chances are you will not be turned away from the community even if you don't know anybody.

7 Step Seven

Work with the members of your Reiki community to bring in new members. You may need to post fliers and devote extra time to the group, but to be a committed member this sacrifice of time will be noted and appreciated.

How to Ground and Center Your Self


Most people think of the phrase "ground and center" and immediately see a picture in their mind of a person sitting cross-legged and meditating. It works for that, but it also can help you relax and get a grip on yourself. Stressful situations call for you to have your wits about you. You need to think straight and be ready for action. Taking a few deep breaths and getting yourself back in control can help you do that.


1 Step One

Spend some time alone. It will give you a chance to tune into your body and find out what it's triggers are and what helps you to relax. Some people like to stand bare foot outside with their feet firmly in touch with the ground. Thats' nice, but you probably won't want to be doing it in December with snow on the ground. You can do this almost anywhere, at any time, when you get good enough at it.

2 Step Two

Visualize. A friend of mine visualizes herself standing tall with her arms outstretched. She visualizes roots stemming from her feet and taking hold in the ground. As she continues on, and moves her hands upwards, she imagines silver cords shooting up towards heaven. She maintains this stance and takes several deep breaths. As she breathes in, she pulls in energy to support her and strengthen her. As she breathes out, she releases stress and any negativity that has collected around her. She holds this stance for three to five minutes and is ready to resume her activities.

3 Step Three

Take several deep breaths. When inhaling, I pull in positive energy and pure white light. When exhaling, I allow all the negative energy out. Whenever you release energy, remember to put something back in its place. Think of things you love and care deeply about. They will give you strength.

4 Step Four

After a few times of doing this alone (so you know what to expect), you will be able to do it pretty much any where. The first time I did it, I relaxed so much, I fell asleep. Like I said, know your body and know what it will do in certain situations.

5 Step Five

When you're done, take a final deep breath. Regroup your thoughts. Make sure you have pulled in any roots or cords you have sent out.
When you have got things in order, go out and tackle whatever needs to be done.

Tips & Warnings

  • Do this whenever you feel something getting to you. Take a break. Pull your energy back and regroup.

How to Get the Maximum Benefit From A Massage


Massage therapy is on the rise. Schools are now offering classes and degrees for this therapy. The benefits are endless ranging anywhere from eliminating toxins, improving circulation to toning muscles. Read on to learn how to get the maximum benefit from a massage.


1 Step One

Once you have made your appointment and are at the therapist's office, allow yourself to start relaxing. As you disrobe, let the cares and worries of your day fall away.

2 Step Two

Allow the massage therapist to do their job. Relax and allow them to move your body. Don't offer resistance or assistance unless asked to because this is your chance to relax. Remember that it's OK to sleep.

3 Step Three

When the massage therapist is finished, they will give you sometime to regroup. When you feel collected and ready to get up, move slowly. Don't rush. Take some deep breaths. This will help the detoxification process.

4 Step Four

Drink lots of water following the massage. This has a flushing effect on the body and aids in getting rid of any toxins.

Tips & Warnings

  • Don't eat for at least one hour prior to your appointment.
  • Make sure your massage therapist is qualified. Check her credentials.
  • Ask to see documentation if you have any questions.

How to Get Reiki Treatment


Reiki is a complementary healing practice that uses spiritual energies of a Reiki master or healer to treat various kinds of conditions and symptoms. Developed in early 20th century Japan, the practice has found adherents all over the world who praise its benefits and lack of side effects. Follow these steps to get Reiki treatment.


1 Step One

Find out about the practice. You should have a little bit of understanding of the basics of Reiki. The practice usually involves long periods during which the Reiki healer places his hands on the patient to channel energy. Reiki can be performed as a total body or a local treatment. In some cases, Reiki masters do not touch the body but keep their hands a few inches above the site of focus.

2 Step Two

Locate a qualified practitioner. Reiki practitioners go through a series of courses and training sessions that earns them different levels of expertise. The levels go from level one, the most basic and novice level, to level three. After level three, a practitioner is considered a master. Contact the International Center for Reiki Training or check out Reiki.org to find references for qualified Reiki practitioners.

3 Step Three

Continue other treatment. Reiki is not intended to replace or substitute for other medical treatments. If you are seeing a doctor or receiving other homeopathic treatments you should continue with these processes. The Reiki is intended to complement these treatments and, in cases like chemotherapy, to mitigate toxicity and side effects.

4 Step Four

Consider group Reiki. For most minor ailments such as sporting injuries, insect bites and headaches, a single Reiki practitioner is considered effective enough. If you seek Reiki treatment for more serious conditions, such as the side effects of chemotherapy or other disease treatments, you should consider doing group Reiki, which uses two Reiki practitioners to intensify the healing properties of the treatments.

How to Find a Reiki Practitioner


Reiki is a holistic therapy which involves a series of laying hands on the patient in a passive manner. It is used to purportedly stimulate positive energy and break energy blocks, allowing the patient to feel relaxed and healthy. Reiki is commonly used to treat high blood pressure, asthma, anxiety and addictions.


1 Step One

Ask a physician if Reiki might be an option for you. If it is, ask him or her to recommend a Reiki practitioner. Many hospitals actually use Reiki in conjunction with conventional medicine, so your doctor may be able to refer you.

2 Step Two

Visit the International Association of Reiki Professionals Web site (see Resources below), which includes information on Reiki practitioners and classes around the world.

3 Step Three

Research Web sites to locate Reiki practitioner directories (see Resources below). They can be organized by state or by practitioner name, and often are accompanied by the practitioner's picture.

4 Step Four

Locate a local free publication at your local health food store or bookstore in the New Age section. Under this section will be advertisements for classes and practitioners in your area. You can also often find fliers offering Reiki services posted in metaphysical bookstores.

5 Step Five

Create a list of possible Reiki practitioners. Contact your top picks. Sometimes Reiki practitioners will host a form of open house where they'll explain the basics of Reiki to a large group for a discounted price.

6 Step Six

Listen to your friends and family. Word of mouth is often a positive way to find a Reiki practitioner.

Question Your Reiki Practitioner


1 Step One

Ask your Reiki practitioner what level of Reiki they have achieved. A Reiki practitioner should have achieved at least the second level of Reiki to be practicing.

2 Step Two

Determine whether your practitioner utilizes other holistic therapies such as massage or aromatherapy, and if those therapies would benefit you. The sessions may end up being more expensive, but they may be worth it.

3 Step Three

Know what you want from a Reiki practitioner. If they have been through similar life experiences, they may be a good match for you since they have healed from the experience and can guide you appropriately.

4 Step Four

Decide if you want a practitioner who will be a guide throughout the entirety of your healing process or a practitioner who will be simply a teacher for a few sessions.

5 Step Five

Select a Reiki practitioner you can afford. Prices range from inexpensive to moderately expensive, although some practitioners will allow barter, scholarship or a fee based on your salary.

6 Step Six

Find out if your Reiki practitioner will make house calls. Many will do so for an increased fee.

7 Step Seven

Research attunement. If you are interested in becoming a Reiki practitioner yourself, or if you want to experience a higher level of Reiki, make sure your Reiki practitioner is a Master practitioner.